
User Guide


Add a task to do: todo

Adds a todo with the specified description to the task list.

Format: todo TASK

Example: todo walk the dog

Expected Outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
     [T][x] walk the dog
Now you have 3 tasks in the list

Add a task with a deadline: deadline

Adds a deadline with the specified description to the task list.

Format: deadline TASK /by DATE

Example: deadline complete individual project /by 2020-09-18`

Expected Outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
    [D][x] complete individual project (Sep 18 2020)
 Now you have 4 tasks in the list

Add an event: event

Adds an event with the specified description to the task list.

Format: event TASK /at DATE

Example: event music festival /at 2020-09-20

Expected Outcome:

Got it. I've added this task:
        [E][x] music festival (Sep 20 2020)
    Now you have 5 tasks in the list

Remove a task: remove

Removes a task from the task list.

Format: remove INDEX

Example: remove 2

Expected Outcome:

Noted. I've removed this task:
       [T][x] read book
    Now you have 4 tasks in the list. 

Mark task as done: done

Marks a task as done in the task list.

Format: done INDEX

Example: done 2

Expected Outcome:

Nice! I've marked this task as done:
        [/] walk the dog

Find task by keyword: find

Finds a task in the task list by keyword.

Format: find KEYWORD

Example: find music

Expected Outcome:

Tasks Found:
    5. [E][x] music festival (Sep 20 2020)

List tasks: list

Lists the current task list.

Format: list

Expected Outcome:

Here are the tasks in your list:
    1. [T][x] complete project 

Exit the program: bye

Exits the program.

Format: bye

Expected Outcome: Bye. Hope to see you again soon!

Saving data

Task List data is automatically saved in the harddisk after any command that changes its data. There is no need to save manually